A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2221

Chapter 2221


“I can’t even bring myself to raise my voice at her, and you think you have the right to humiliate her? Vanessa, there’s no second chance for you.”

With a definitive slam, he shut the car door, accidentally trapping Vanessa’s fingers briefly, turning them purple.

Edwin then drove off, leaving behind a trail of Vanessa’s curses.

About five minutes later, Edwin received an angry call from Mark.

“You idiot, do you think marriage is a game? Cancelling an engagement just like that? Get back here right now!” Mark’s voice was laden with fury.

Edwin’s grip on the steering wheel was tight, betraying the tension that contrasted with his seemingly casual tone.

“It’s already what it is. My coming back won’t change anything,” he said.

On the other end of the phone, Mark cursed in frustration, “Damn it!”

Annoyed, Edwin ended the call abruptly. He pulled up to a red light, his car halting with a screech. As he watched the numbers on the traffic signal count down, his gaze was distant, lost in thought.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

He had made an effort.

After breaking up with Laura, he had tried to move on with Vanessa.

But even her beauty left him feeling nothing. The thought of a lifetime with her, even in a distant, separate living arrangement, didn’t appeal to him.

He couldn’t fathom having children with her.

Laura had been his first and only significant romantic experience.

They had shared many firsts. Everything had felt right with her, and he had never seriously considered anyone else. Perhaps his lack of interest in other relationships stemmed from being wholly satisfied by her.

Leaning back, Edwin’s head thudded softly against the headrest.

A honk from a car behind him snapped him back to reality as the light turned green.

He drove on, reaching his company’s parking lot.

After parking, he hesitated for a moment before dialing Laura’s number. She didn’t answer, leaving him to wonder if she was upset or crying.

Running his fingers over his phone, Edwin was a mix of annoyance and confusion.

He decided to call Alexis. The phone was answered promptly.

“Take Laura out for dinner,” he said tersely.

Alexis responded with a light chuckle, “Why should I spending time cheering your girl?”

Edwin’s tone was frigid as he spoke.

